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Call for Research Project Proposals

Every academic year, Kurdistan Institution for Strategic Studies and Scientific Research (KISSR) calls for research proposals for co-funding your research projects. Those researchers (PhD, Master, and Bachelor degree holders) who are currently working on research projects/ or have proposals in need of submission are eligible to apply for the fund.

Currently, the call for applications is closed.

Environmental Health Assessment in Sulaymaniyah City and Vicinity

There are many physical, chemical and biological agents either naturally present or produced by human activity that can be hazardous for human health. The urban centers of Iraq, including Sulaymaniyah, that have emerged from decades of war and poor services are suffering from an accumulation of a variety of these environmental risks generated by the population, urban services and industrial and agricultural activities. Environmental pollution in and around Sulaymaniyah city is caused by several factors including untreated wastewater, contaminated agricultural fields, untreated solid waste, industrial waste and contamination of Tanjaro River and Darbandikhan Lake from these sources of pollution. Populations, especially those living closer to the above-mentioned pollution sources are at risk of both short and long-term effects of biological, physical and chemical contaminants, including water and foodborne diseases, heavy metals poisonings and other potentially toxic elements and compounds present in the air, water, soil and plants, especially south of the city and around Tanjaro River and Darbandikhan Lake. Neglecting these problems means that buildup of contaminants in the environment and endangering population health will continue. Generally, there is lack of necessary policies, regulations and guidelines in all sectors and at all levels in relation to safe and environmental-friendly operations in agriculture, industry, energy, and public services. Monitoring and responding to environmental health hazards requires collaborative efforts of relevant departments, professional institutions, NGOs, community-based organizations and affected populations. Environmental health promotion also requires fighting corruption to ensure that the public interest is respected and that relevant polices, regulations and guidelines are followed and enforced. To reduce risk of water-borne diseases, strengthening water management in relation to maintaining quality, and observing regular schedules and equitable supply to all residents of the city could be an immediate solution, along with necessary infrastructural developments. The ultimate solution to wastewater pollution is establishment of sewerage treatment plants. At the same time, surveying all the sewerage channels and networks using GIS mapping is another essential organizational undertaking.

Solid waste is a major problem and the ultimate solution is recycling; while this is being under consideration, the establishment of a controlled landfill in an area that is much farther from the river is probably the most appropriate immediate solution to the solid waste disposal problem for Sulaymaniyah City. Immediate measures need to be taken to prevent further pollution of the Tanjaro River, by isolating the polluting sources. Industrial activities need to be regulated and monitored in terms of environmental and occupational safety operations and standards. Using Sulaymaniyah wastewater for farming must be prohibited by law and enforced. Quality control of locally produced and imported food stuffs and agricultural products should be strengthened. Protection of Darbandikhan Lake from major sources of pollution should be made a higher priority and measures should be taken as soon as possible to isolate and minimize major pollutants. There is also a need for extensive research and the establishment of sustained research systems on population health and environmental pollutants, especially in relation to the food chain, and the Tanjaro River, Darbandikhan Lake and air pollution. If urgent consideration is not given to the above areas and problems, the situation may get considerably worse in the coming years, while buildup of pollutants in the environment, the food chain and in the human body continues.

Project Partners

  • William Joiner Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston, USA
  • Kurdistan Institution for Strategic Studies and Scientific Research (KISSR)
  • Sulaimani Polytechnic University (SPU)
  • International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX) – Iraq

Co-funding Partners

  • International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX) – Iraq
  • Kurdistan Institution for Strategic Studies and Scientific Research (KISSR)

Project Outcomes

  Environmental Health Assessment Report of Sulaymaniyah City and Vicinity

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Call for Research Project Proposals

Every academic year, Kurdistan Institution for Strategic Studies and Scientific Research (KISSR) calls for research proposals for co-funding your research projects. Those researchers (PhD, Master, and Bachelor degree holders) who are currently working on research projects/ or have proposals in need of submission are eligible to apply for the fund.

Currently, the call for applications is closed.

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